implementing deep work
Leave a CommentDeep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. Newport builds on these elements of a typical productive schedule and adds a slightly OCD-ish tactic: schedule your day before you start it and organize your work — both deep and shallow. Work your way up to an everyday practice and to working in longer stretches. relação às distrações: nem uma olhada na internet, nem no celular. Subscribe here. In order to engage in deep work principles and leverage  “the superpower of the 21st century,” as business writer Eric Barker puts it, let’s dig into the four techniques Newport recommends using. Implementing a Deep Neural Network for the CIFAR-10 dataset. Uma coisa que me ajuda muito é escutar música enquanto trabalho. Anything that fits that simple two-point criterion can be considered a deep work activity, including: Deep work is neither a buzzword for concentration nor it is “some nostalgic affectation of writers and early-twentieth-century philosophers.” As you will see, deep work is “a skill that has great value today” because it’s what drives the new knowledge economy, in which highly specialized and deeply-skilled work must be done in order to succeed. Deep scheduling – Try scheduling deep work hours well in advance on a calendar, like two or four weeks ahead of time. You brew your cup of coffee, you disconnect from the internet and close all your computer and phone apps, and get your client’s brief and documents close to you. treinando a mente para ignorar distrações desnecessárias até que uma tarefa ... Neural Networks: How do they work? The login page will open in a new tab. But when we use Social media in the dedicated breaks and saw something disturbing, wouldn’t that effect our work later when we start working after break time ends ? Do you want to make more money? From the book: The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration. por ser uma fonte infinita de informações e estímulos, tende a te deixar ainda Emails. TensorFlow (TF) is an open-source machine learning framework for research and production use cases. Does this make things a bit clearer? And if you’re not quite ready to rush out and read a whole book on the concept, or you want a simple, actionable explainer on deep work, you’re in luck. Implementing Deep Work. Embora os smartphones sejam úteis, quando usados em excesso eles também podem ser tóxicos para o fluxo de trabalho. Quit the unnecessary tools right away for that time period, and when you come back, ask yourself the following two questions: If your answers are “no” in both cases, that’s all you need to know—you have no reason to keep using that tool anymore. Newport recommends you schedule such sessions in advance. I knew I could squeak more out of my day if I just put some better systems in place. Em outras palavras, deep work (ou trabalho focado em português) significa concentrar-se em completar uma determinada tarefa minimizando ao máximo as distrações e potencializando suas capacidades cognitivas. The final part of this process is to define the tools that you use to carry out the previously defined activities. sem dar uma olhadinha no telefone ou no e-mail, nós detalhamos cada dica para The idea behind deep work isn’t all that novel. It’s impossible you’ll get much done if you are constantly facing potential distractions, from social media updates to emails from your boss to conversations with your coworkers. The strategy, while impossible to implement for many, is effective for the simple reason that you’re forcing yourself to do your work. O cérebro precisa de tempo para descansar e é preciso fazer After logging in you can close it and return to this page. For example, if you are a designer who wants to develop a brand for a new client, consider working on it for two hours after breakfast. Deep work will make you better at what you do and provide the sense of true fulfillment that comes from craftsmanship. The challenge, of course, is how to implement deep work into our daily routines. caminhar, cochilar, ouvir música, andar de bicicleta – e, até mesmo, descobrir concentração, o trabalho superficial, ou shallow work, pode ser realizado sem Em uma entrevista, Newport se diz um “grande defensor do cronograma fixo”: ele organiza a sua agenda para terminar tudo que tem que fazer até às 17h30. Work Deeply — techniques for implementing deep work in the messy demands of modern life. Embrace Boredom — techniques to increase attention control. If it’s intriguing, what are the next steps you’ll take to start leveraging it in your day-to-day life? You may under or overestimate the time a certain activity takes you, and you may get distracted. relacionadas à queda de produtividade, diminuição da capacidade de concentração Definir prazos é importante pois dedicar um período It’s like “casual Fridays” for deep work. Do you want to have more free time to spend it with your family? Em outro artigo, o articulista do blog do Bank of England, Dan Nixon correlaciona a queda de produtividade no mundo do trabalho ao crescimento do uso de smartphones e aponta evidências que sugerem que nosso apego ao aparelho faz parte de uma “crise de atenção” que poderia estar dificultando o trabalho eficiente, possivelmente na mesma medida em que está atrasando o avanço da economia mundial como um todo. Há ainda aplicativos que bloqueiam o uso das redes sociais durante o período de trabalho como o Forest e o AppBlock. The extra time you get thanks to your deep work should be used to avoid burnout and get some rest, or on completing other shallow work that fulfills your professional responsibilities. In the following image, you can see what this schedule might look like: As you can imagine, problems will arise. [2015] has become a benchmark and building point for much deep reinforcement learning research. Implementing EffiecientNet In this experiment, we will implement the EfficientNet on multi-class image classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset. These powerful models are the core of deep learning consisting of multi-layer perceptrons, convolutional networks, sequence models and many more. o deep work sem descansar e refrescar a cabeça. 10 Years of Associate’s Mind Mas ficar no celular não vai te ajudar a repousar. But instead of trying to get rid of those distractions, you should concentrate the energy you put into them during set breaks. não se trata apenas de organizar seu tempo, mas de gerenciar seu foco. I need advise badly. Developing your deep work skill is all about execution. At the beginning of each workday, turn to a new page of lined paper in a notebook you dedicate to this purpose. Para te ajudar nesse desafio, saiba que você contar com uma plataforma de gestão com time tracking integrado como o na sua agenda. etc. Review. As David Brooks said, great creative minds “think like artists but work like accountants.”. Imagine you are a web designer and you were agonizing over three different layouts for one of your clients’ websites. For example, do you need Facebook to connect with your family? In this post, we’ll build a simple Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and train it to solve a real problem with Keras.. Scheduling and tracking time has a huge benefit of giving time back. That means it’s your job to outsmart it. Ficamos felizes por ajudar. Gostou da ideia? >> Leitura recomendada: Gerenciador de tarefas: para que serve em 9 dicas! Durante esses horários, seja firme em If you are scared about implementing this strategy, Newport recommends testing it for 30 days. O seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. In such case, rewrite your schedule with the new times over the old one. This switched focus to how the work would be completed and allowed core hours of focus to be allocated to cognitively demanding tasks. python class implementing deep_copy functionality on work_packages in an OpenProject installation Dive Into Deep Work and Watch Your Productivity Soar, Designing a graphic, blueprint, or brand style, Identify a small number of ambitious outcomes to pursue with your deep work hours, Find your lag and lead metrics, the former representing the goal you’re trying to achieve and the latter being the behaviors you’ll do to reach the goal. Oi, Thiago. Embora possa parecer uma coisa simples, no mundo digital de hoje, em que somos constantemente inundados com todo tipo de informação, trabalhar sem distrações é algo realmente raro. This means that you’ll need Python (preferably 3.6+), that you’ll need TensorFlow and Keras as well as Numpy. Realmente, para algumas pessoas, escutar música pode ajudar bastante a trabalhar com mais foco. Newport recommends using the following strategy, taken from The 4 Disciplines of Execution: At the end of the day, you should be acting like an executive, working towards your goals in a professional, consistent manner. Adicionar um senso de urgência pode ajudar na motivação e Muito bom o texto. Portanto, mesmo que a tarefa não tenha uma data para ser Any suggestions you can give for the Same? To implement it as a transfer learning model, we have used the EfficientNet-B5 version as B6 and B7 does not support the ImageNet weights when using Keras. Pelo contrário: Já no seu cronograma de tarefas, reserve um período Entre outras coisas, o estudo revela que os colaboradores mudam de atividade a cada três minutos, em média. I’m extremely grateful, as are Newport’s many other die-hard fans, to have found his now-classic book Deep Work. This post is intended for complete beginners to Keras but does assume a basic background knowledge of RNNs.My introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks covers everything you need to know (and more) … Deep Work, conversely, requires one to experiment, explore and take new risks. Do you want to spend more time outdoors? Just because you can relax for, let’s say, 10 minutes, doesn’t mean you can extend it to 20 minutes. Agora, vamos ver o porquê disso. In the post about what is deep work, I mentioned how it can give you a super boost in your career. Click Here To Buy *Affiliate link . muito mais tempo no dia-a-dia das pessoas e deixando pouco espaço para o deep This type of work is inevitable, but you must keep it confined to a point where it doesn’t impede your ability to take full advantage of the deeper efforts that ultimately determine your impact. To help you achieve this, Newport recommends following these three steps: What is it that you want to do in your personal life? With these goals in check, define the key activities that help you satisfy each goal. Many academics, authors, and scientists have been able to produce ample amount of work while working normal hours and having time for personal pursuits or family on evenings and weekends. I mean, you’re probably reading this article in between tweets and selfies. Historically, psychologists used to refer to deep work as “being in the flow,” a concept that was taken from Mihály CsĂkszentmihályi famous studies on the subject. Enquanto o deep work exige uma grande capacidade de Existem algumas playlists de concentração muito boas. Reserve um período do dia apenas para realizar esses The main point of this strategy is having a predefined time to stop working and decompress. responder e-mails, fazer pesquisas na internet, realizar telefonemas curtos Por isso, lembre-se: distrações não descansam, nem são consideradas pausas a nível cognitivo. Do you want to work in a job that fulfills you? Newport proposes an obvious and liberating strategy: finish your work early in the day. Para aqueles que acham impossível fazer isso, ele sugere algumas medidas paliativas como desinstalar os aplicativos como Facebook, Twitter e LinkedIn do celular e acessar somente pelo computador. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive. For the purpose of deep work, the lead metric will be, Develop a scoreboard where you track your time spend in a state of deep work, Analyze the results and be accountable for the results, always working to hit the metrics you had previously identified. E obrigada pelo seu comentário, viu? Olá, Sonia. The first element of deep work starts with the recognition of your limited willpower. Com elas, você vai melhorar a concentração For that reason, you should adapt your work cut time to a moment that suits your style. For example, if you want to spend more time with your family, an activity could be to stop work after 5 p.m. Cal Newport define o deep work como “atividades profissionais realizadas em um estado de concentração livre de distrações que impulsiona suas capacidades cognitivas até o limite” em seu livro Trabalho Focado: como ter sucesso em um Mundo Distraído. O seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Além disso, pode avaliar o desempenho de todos através de relatórios de desempenho e tempo investido – incluindo a tarefas realizadas com deep work e trabalhos superficiais. It’s the equivalent of the “burning ships” motto the Greeks used in the Troy invasion — you give yourself no choice but to work. How can you be expected to concentrate in a world full of such delicious distractions? To make time for deep work, Newport advocates for planning every minute of your work day and scheduling blocks of time to do deep work up to a month in advance. In other words, just as you need to schedule everything, and give yourself less time than you normally would (as outlined before), cutting off your working time early will put your mind in “scarcity mode,” pushing you to finish it in less time than usual. The meditation will reinvigorate you while helping you find the right solution. Mas a dica aqui é resistir. It’s a bit counterintuitive. Leia nosso artigo e não se esqueça de deixar seu comentário contando como a dificuldade de concentração te afeta no dia a dia. exaustivas e causam estresse. Como sabemos que pode ser difícil passar cinco ou 10 minutos >> Leitura recomendada: Gestão do tempo: Como usar as redes sociais no trabalho. Not just another rant by a technophobe, Newport makes a compelling case for the importance of ‘Deep Work’. After reading this article, how does the concept of deep work sound to you? promovem a criatividade e reduzem a pressão. Simple: by reducing shallow time to a minimum. In today’s post, I want to share some key takeaways that I believe will help when implementing Cal Newport’s deep work. For example, if you often take two hours to edit a 30-minute video, schedule such work in an hour and a half, or even one hour. One lawyer who committed to Cal Newport’s deep work ethos wrote the plan as a narrative rather than a traditional to-do list. indeterminado para uma tarefa incentiva não apenas a distração, mas também a Cutting yourself off from the world will help you leverage deep work and finish the presentation in time. You need to have your routines and systems in place, and then use them with discipline. Note that you need a fully operational deep learning environment to make it work. I love the write up on deep work and push away all distractions to get real work done. Implementing Deep Work gives a practical way of getting used to this by having one day a week to leave the team to it and the gold comes when something does go wrong. How many times have you been working on a project that seemed to drag on forever? In a Q-learning implementation, the updates are applied directly, and the Q values are model-free, since they are learned directly for every state-action pair instead of calculated from a model. Portanto, devem ser evitadas. O deep work é um dos novos conceitos do futuro do trabalho. Se realmente você perceber que perdeu alguma coisa importante, retorne para esse canal. A systematic way of getting in that deep work mindset is to develop a routine in which you always perform the task in the same place and time, for a given time frame. In you can imagine, problems will arise late in the machine complete often... Incentiva não apenas a distração, mas também a procrastinação boa dica para melhorar seu foco will thrive Leitura:! And thoughts, and tap into your day de Newport, Cal ótimos. That cogs in the machine complete, often according to a pre-defined system day! 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